Same day delivery is our domain. We can deliver same day deliveries in as little as 30 minutes. Data enables us to manage city logistics efficiently.
We have our own fleet and a team of trained couriers. We manage logistics processes through our own data-driven GAIA platform that evaluates up to 350 key indicators daily.
We take advantage of the fact that each segment has a different peak. This allows us to optimize individual delivery routes to achieve maximum efficiency.
Our couriers are trained professionals who appropriately represent the brand they are entrusted with. The successful delivery rate across segments is 98.9%. We monitor up to 80 indicators to ensure a high level of quality.
Shipments are delivered in time intervals or slots. They start at 30 minutes. The main goal is convenience for the end customer.
As we are constantly collecting operational data, we place maximum emphasis on their safety. Encryption of data during transmission is standard in our country.
We optimize routes for faster and more cost-effective delivery. We know how to make the most of our fleet, making delivery sustainable at the same time.
To ensure a high standard of service quality, we use a courier scoring system. The system evaluates their driving style, accident rate and client feedback.
We have a real-time overview of operational efficiency based on the data we collect. Our partners can access the same information via API.
Our system is designed for all available payment methods – cash, vouchers, credit cards. Security of payment transactions is a priority for us.
We specialize in the last mile segment. It is this final part of the customer journey that determines how satisfied the customer will be with your company. That’s why at DODO we use our own GAIA logistics platform, which ensures that delivery is always fast and reliable.
Most customers ideally want their goods the same day, or at the latest the next day. But a number of obstacles and factors enter into a seamless delivery within a few hours, from courier workload to weather. This makes the last mile the most costly part of the entire logistics process.
Doing your own transport is a very demanding task in terms of organisation and investment. It is not worthwhile for companies to operate a fleet of cars and couriers, because the delivery would usually be busy only at certain hours. We can use couriers to their full potential throughout the day. In addition, along with delivery, they would have to look after car servicing, cash management, route planning and other problems that we can easily solve for them.
Just contact the Sales Department. Linking up itself is very simple. We offer an API for quick integration, plus partners have real-time statistics on every order and advanced reporting for different people in the company.
Our vision is sustainable logistics. That’s why all DODO vehicles run on CNG, which has minimal emissions. In addition, modern technology helps us to keep the vehicles running at full capacity and to deliver multiple shipments for different clients along the route.